If you have any problem on the portal as regards your online registration, just go through the following FAQ, you might find an answer to your problem. If this page is not helpful, then use the contact page on the University's main website to submit your complain or visit the University computer centre for further assistance.
(Q 1.) I have made my registration payment but don't know how to log in and make my registration.
Answer :If your payment is successful, your account will be created and activated automatically. Simply you can log in and make your online registration.
(Q 2.) I have submitted my registration but want to change some information on my submission. Can I edit my registration ?
Answer : Yes, you can come back for an unlimited number of times to edit and re-submit your registration as long as it is within the registration period.
(Q 3.) If i forgot my login username or password, can i retrieve them ?
Answer : Yes, you can retrieve your login username or password by reporting to the officer in charge at the University computer centre with your registration details or using the password forgotten function.
(Q 4.) My is blocked/deactivated, What should i do ?
Answer : Report to the officer in charge at the University computer centre with your registration details. Your issue will be investigated.
(Q 5.) I keep on getting an error message "An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator". What does this mean ?
Answer : It means that you are attempting save your information without selecting the values of a sequential combo boxes accordingly (e.g Nationality, State, LGA OR the School, Department & Programme Values). Select the boxes accordingly and re-submit your information.