Welcome to the Post UTME/DE Online O'Level Result Screening Portal of IBRAHIM BADAMASI BABANGIDA UNIVERSITY, Lapai - Niger state. All prospective candidates are to take note of the following before and during the submission of their O'level result(s).
All complains and suggestion should be directed to the I.C.T Unit, Academic office Or you can send an email to postutme@ibbu.edu.ng. You can also call the help line on 08077034546 between 10:00AM and 3:00PM Mondays-Fridays.
The following are the steps for the result submission/screening process:
Note 1. All UTME/DE prospective candidates are to check/verify their eligibility for the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University UTME/DE O'Level results screening/verification exercise.
Note 2. Successful prospective candidate that have met the minimum requirements are to proceed to payment online via Paystack.
Note 3. The prospective candidate is required to make a payment of; TWO THOUSAND NAIRA ONLY (N 2,000 : 00 K) - to submit either ONE(1) or TWO(2) O'LEVEL RESULT(s). The amount includes all transaction charges.
• Enter their JAMB Registration Number to confirm if they are eligible. If eligible;
• Enter their mobile phone number & other required information to proceed.
• A payment page will be loaded. Proceed to payment via any preferred means listed.
Candidates who have completed the second stage of the screening should proceed to the third stage immediately after making their payment. They are to log into the portal using their UTME Reg. No & Phone No. Candidates are advised to correctly input their results and any other requested information on the portal. Candidates may after submission print out their submission acknowledgement slip for personal reference only.
Quick Links
UTME: Click here to check your UTME eligibility status & make your online payment.
UTME: Click here to Log into your UTME results submission Portal account.
DE: Click here to check your DE eligibility status & make your online payment.
DE: Click here to Log into your DE results submission Portal account.